
Festival of Courage

10/10/24 (4-6pm)

The Festival of Michaelmas is commonly celebrated in Waldorf Schools around the globe. It occurs around the autumnal equinox, as the days become shorter and the light of the sun wanes. Students are encouraged to reflect on their own inner light and the courage it takes to ward off the darkness of the season. In the story, St. Michael is depicted as slaying the dragon - a message to meet life’s challenges and face the future with courage and confidence.

Lantern Walk

11/26/24 (6:30-8:30pm)

Students and their families gather together for this evening event that encourages participants to allow their inner light to guide them through the dark days of winter. This event is a wonderful way to come together as a family with our school community before the busy holidays ahead, and prepare oneself for the transition from Fall to Winter. Following a reading the story of Saint Martin, students will walk the candlelit trails with their families while holding lanterns they created in class. Then families are encouraged to gather with the school community over hot cocoa and popcorn.

Spiral Walk


As the holiday season approaches, a Festival of Light with a spiral walk; candles demonstrate how each of us makes the world a brighter place when we bring our light to it.

Winter Performance

2/27/25 (4-6pm)

Children’s performance of songs, poems, stories and plays. Each class performs what they have learned through the first half of the year.

May Faire

5/1/25 (4-6pm)

We celebrate May Day in honor of nature’s renewed growth and energy. The children will learn a May Pole Dance and perform it during this festival. This is the last festival before the end of the school year.